Part 2: Database Models, Migrations and JWT Setup

How To: Create a Flask API with JWT-Based Authentication (Part 2)

Photo by Pelly Benassi on Unsplash

Project Structure

The chart below shows the folder structure that was created in Part 1. In this post, we will work on all files marked as NEW CODE. Files that contain code from Part 1 but will not be modified in this post are marked as NO CHANGES.

. (project root folder) |- src | |- flask_api_tutorial | |- api | | |- auth | | | |- | | | | | |- widgets | | | |- | | | | | |- | | | |- models | | |- | | |- | | | |- util | | |- | | |- | | |- | | | |- | |- | |- tests | |- | |- | |- | |- | |- | |- .env |- .gitignore |- .pre-commit-config.yaml |- pyproject.toml |- pytest.ini |- |- |- |- tox.ini

Database Models and Migrations with Flask-SQLAlchemy

If you have never used SQLAlchemy (or any ORM) before, the basic concept is simple: ORMs allow you to interact with data stored in a database as high-level abstractions such as classes, instances of classes and methods rather than writing raw SQL (the ORM translates your application code into SQL commands and queries).

A common task that I rarely see covered in tutorials like this is how to manage changes that are made to a database. Changes to the database schema will usually require changing data that is already stored in the database, or migrating the existing data. We will use the Flask-Migrate extension to handle this task and explain how to setup a migration system and how to create and apply migrations.

User DB Model

In Part 1, we created an instance of the Flask-SQLAlchemy extension with the name db in the src/flask_api_tutorial/ file and initialized it in the create_app method. The db object contains functions and classes from sqlalchemy and sqlalchemy.orm.

Whenever we need to declare a new database model (i.e., create a new database table), we create a class that subclasses db.Model. Since we are creating an API that performs user authentication, our first SQLAlchemy model will be a User class that stores login credentials and metadata for registered users.

Create a new file in the src/flask_api_tutorial/models folder and add the content below:

"""Class definition for User model."""
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from uuid import uuid4

from flask import current_app
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property

from flask_api_tutorial import db, bcrypt
from flask_api_tutorial.util.datetime_util import (

class User(db.Model):
    """User model for storing logon credentials and other details."""

    __tablename__ = "site_user"

    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
    email = db.Column(db.String(255), unique=True, nullable=False)
    password_hash = db.Column(db.String(100), nullable=False)
    registered_on = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=utc_now)
    admin = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False)
    public_id = db.Column(db.String(36), unique=True, default=lambda: str(uuid4()))

    def __repr__(self):
        return (
            f"<User email={}, public_id={self.public_id}, admin={self.admin}>"

    def registered_on_str(self):
        registered_on_utc = make_tzaware(
            self.registered_on, use_tz=timezone.utc, localize=False
        return localized_dt_string(registered_on_utc, use_tz=get_local_utcoffset())

    def password(self):
        raise AttributeError("password: write-only field")

    def password(self, password):
        log_rounds = current_app.config.get("BCRYPT_LOG_ROUNDS")
        hash_bytes = bcrypt.generate_password_hash(password, log_rounds)
        self.password_hash = hash_bytes.decode("utf-8")

    def check_password(self, password):
        return bcrypt.check_password_hash(self.password_hash, password)

    def find_by_email(cls, email):
        return cls.query.filter_by(email=email).first()

    def find_by_public_id(cls, public_id):
        return cls.query.filter_by(public_id=public_id).first()

The User class demonstrates several important concepts for creating database models in SQLAlchemy:

  • Line 17: User is defined as a subclass of db.Model. Subclassing db.Model "registers" the model with SQLAlchemy, allowing the ORM to create a database table based on the column definitions in Lines 18-23.

  • Line 20: Flask-SQLAlchemy will automatically set the name of the database table by converting the class name (User) to lowercase. However, user is a reserved word in multiple SQL implementations (e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL), and using any reserved word as a table name is a bad idea. You can override this default value by setting the __tablename__ class attribute.

    Python class names in CamelCase will also create tablenames by converting to lowercase, with underscores inserted between each word (e.g., Python class CamelCase => Database table camel_case).

  • Lines 22-27: Use db.Column to define a column. Dy default, the column name will be the same as the name of the attribute you assign it to. The first argument to db.Column is the data type (i.e., db.Integer, db.String(size), db.Boolean). There are many different generic data types as well as vendor-specific data types available. Our site_user table will have the following columns:

    • id: This is the primary key for our table, specified by primary_key=True. We will use the db.Integer data type, but you could use another data type or even specify multiple columns as a primary key. Also, note that we have setup "autoincrement" behavior by specifying autoincrement=True. This is possible only with integer data types.

    • email: Like most sites, we will use an email address to identify our users. Notice that we have set a max length of 255 characters for this column with db.String(255). Obviously, this is a mandatory value for all users, which we specify with nullable=False. To ensure that an email address cannot be registered by more than one user, we specify unique=True.

    • password_hash: Storing passwords in a database is poor practice. Instead, we will compute a hash of the password using Flask-Bcrypt and store the hashed value in this column. When a user attempts to authenticate, we will again use Flask-Bcrypt to compare the password provided by the user to the hashed value. This will be explained in detail later on in this post.

    • registered_on: This column will contain the date and time when the user account was created. SQLAlchemy provides many ways to store datetime values, but the simplist method is to use db.DateTime. Notice that we have specified a default value for this column, default=utc_now. This is a function in the app.util.datetime_util module that returns the current UTC date and time as an "aware" datetime object. When a new User is added to the database, the current UTC time will be evaluated and stored as the value for registered_on.

      In this project, all datetime values are assumed to be in UTC when written to the database.

    • admin: This is a flag that indicates whether a user has administrator access. Use the db.Boolean data type to create a column containing only TRUE/FALSE values. By default, users should not have administrator access. We specify default=False to ensure this behavior.

    • public_id: This column will contain UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier) values. This column is defined in the same way as the email column since we are storing a string value that must be unique for all users. However, since this is a random value (i.e., not user-provided), we populate the column similarly to registered_on, with the result of a lambda function that is called when a new User is added to the database.

      You may be wondering why we are using default=lambda:str(uuid4()), rather than default=uuid4. Calling uuid.uuid4() returns a UUID object, which must be converted to a string before it can be written to the database.

  • Lines 34-39: The @hybrid_property decorator is another SQLAlchemy feature that is capable of much more than what I am demonstrating here. Most often, this decorator is used to create "computed" or "virtual" columns whose value is computed from the values of one or more columns. In this instance, the registered_on_str column converts the datetime value stored in registered_on to a formatted string.

    I am using several of the functions from the app.util.datetime_util module here. The registered_on value (and all datetime values) is always converted to the UTC timezone when the value is written to the database. The registered_on_str value converts this value to the timezone of the machine executing this code and formats it as a string value.

  • Lines 41-43: This is part of the password-hashing implementation. The @property decorator exposes a password attribute on our User class. However, this is designed as a write-only value so when a client attempts to call user.password and retrieve the value, an AttributeError is raised.

  • Lines 45-49: This is the setter function for the password @property which calculates the value stored in the password_hash column. This design only stores the hashed value and discards the actual password. Also, hashing the same password multiple times always produces a different value, so it is impossible to compare password_hash values to determine if multiple users have the same password.

    We are using a value from the Config class, BCRYPT_LOG_ROUNDS. Since we have created our app object using the factory pattern, we must access the Flask application instance through the proxy object current_app (Read this for more info).

  • Lines 51-52: This check_password function is used when the user is attempting to login. The password argument passed into the function is the value provided by the user, and this is provided to the bcrypt.check_password_hash function along with the password_hash value that was created when the user registered their account. The function returns True if the password provided by the user matches the hash, or False otherwise.

  • Lines 54-60: These two class methods are convenience methods that provide a clean, easy-to-read way to retrieve User accounts based on the values stored in the email or public_id columns. Since these values must be unique for all Users, we know that only one or zero Users can be returned from either method.

Did you notice that we never defined a __init__ method? That’s because SQLAlchemy adds an implicit constructor to all model classes which accepts keyword arguments for all its columns and relationships. If you decide to override the constructor for any reason, make sure to keep accepting **kwargs and call the super constructor with those **kwargs to preserve this behavior:

class User(db.Model):
    # ...
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(User, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        # do custom stuff

Creating The First Migration

Whenever we make a change to our database schema (e.g., add new table, change column name, change foreign key dependencies, etc.) we need to create a migration with the Flask-Migrate extension. Each migration is stored in the migration database (which is actually just a folder named migrations), which also keeps track of the order that the migrations occurred. This allows us to either upgrade or downgrade our database all the way back to the database’s initial state.

The Flask-Migrate extension adds a new set of commands to the Flask CLI grouped under flask db. In order to create the migration database, we must run flask db init:

(flask-api-tutorial) flask-api-tutorial $ flask db init
  Creating directory /Users/aaronluna/Projects/flask-api-tutorial/migrations ...  done
  Creating directory /Users/aaronluna/Projects/flask-api-tutorial/migrations/versions ...  done
  Generating /Users/aaronluna/Projects/flask-api-tutorial/migrations/ ...  done
  Generating /Users/aaronluna/Projects/flask-api-tutorial/migrations/ ...  done
  Generating /Users/aaronluna/Projects/flask-api-tutorial/migrations/README ...  done
  Generating /Users/aaronluna/Projects/flask-api-tutorial/migrations/alembic.ini ...  done
  Please edit configuration/connection/logging settings in '/Users/aaronluna/Projects/flask-api-tutorial/migrations/alembic.ini' before proceeding.

In order for Flask-Migrate to detect the User model, we must import it in the module. Open in the project root folder and make the changes highlighted below:

"""Flask CLI/Application entry point."""
import os

from flask_api_tutorial import create_app, db
from flask_api_tutorial.models.user import User

app = create_app(os.getenv("FLASK_ENV", "development"))

def shell():
    return {"db": db, "User": User}
  • Line 5: The User class will only be detected by the Flask-Migrate extension as a new database table if this import statement exists.

  • Line 12: We have added the User object to the dictionary that is imported by the flask shell command. This makes this class available in the shell context without needing to be explicitly imported.

The changes we just made to will be repeated whenever a new model is added. In general, whenever you add a new database model class to your project, you need to update your application entry point (in our case the file to import the new model class before running the flask db migrate command.

Ok, after making the changes to we are ready to create our first migration. To do so, we use the flask db migrate command. Also, I recommend adding a message describing the schema changes that will be made, as shown below:

(flask-api-tutorial) flask-api-tutorial $ flask db migrate --message "add User model"
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl SQLiteImpl.
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL.
INFO  [] Detected added table 'site_user'
  Generating /Users/aaronluna/Projects/flask-api-tutorial/migrations/versions/ ...  done

The flask db migrate command creates the migration script but does not apply the changes to the database. To upgrade the database and execute the migration script you must run the flask db upgrade command:

(flask-api-tutorial) flask-api-tutorial $ flask db upgrade
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl SQLiteImpl.
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL.
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade  -> eb6c2faa0708, add User model

Each time the database schema changes, repeat the flask db migrate and flask db upgrade steps demonstrated above. Remember to add a message describing the schema changes when a new migration is created with flask db migrate.

We can verify that the site_user table has been created using flask shell and the sqlite3 module:

(flask-api-tutorial) flask-api-tutorial $ flask shell
Python 3.7.6 (default, Jan 19 2020, 06:08:58)
[Clang 11.0.0 (clang-1100.0.33.8)] on darwin
App: app [development]
Instance: /Users/aaronluna/Projects/flask_api_tutorial/instance
>>> import sqlite3
>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> db = sqlite3.connect(Path(DATABASE_URL).name)
>>> cursor = db.cursor()
>>> results = cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';")
>>> for row in results:
...     print(row)
>>> exit()

The query we executed retrieves all rows from the sqlite_master table where the type column contains table. This returned two rows: alembic_version and site_user. The latter confirms that running the upgrade successfully created the table we specified in

The alembic_version table contains a single column named version_num and a single row containing the version number of the most recent migration that has been executed on this database. The version number can be traced to the migration script files in the migrations folder if you are interested in discovering the low-level details of how database migrations are created.

JSON Web Token Authentication

The user authentication process that we are implementing utilizes JSON Web Tokens (JWT), which were defined in detail in Part 1. The general workflow is given below:

  • New User Registration
    1. Client sends a request with email address and password.
    2. Server verifies that email address has not already been registered. If this is true the server creates a new User object and sends a response containing a JWT in access_token field.
    3. Client stores access_token.
  • Existing User Login
    1. Client sends a request with email address and password.
    2. Server retrieves the User object with the email address provided by the client.
    3. Server verifies the password is valid for the User object and sends a response containing a JWT in access_token field if the password is valid.
    4. Client stores access_token.
  • After Successful Login/Registration
    1. Client sends a request with JWT in the Authorization field of the request header.
    2. If requested resource requires authorization, server decodes access token and allows client to access requested resource if token is valid.
    3. The decoded token contains an admin flag. If the requested resource requires administrator access, the server only allows the client to access the resource if admin = True.

Depending on the environment, the access token will expire after a set amount of time. When this happens, the client must login with their email and password to obtain a new token.

encode_access_token Function

Let’s start implementing our workflow by creating the method that will be used to generate access tokens. Since the token will be generated using attributes from a User instance, we will create the method as a member of the User class.

First, update the import statements in to include datetime.timedelta and the jwt package (Line 2 and Line 5 below):

"""Class definition for User model."""
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from uuid import uuid4

import jwt
from flask import current_app
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property

from flask_api_tutorial import db, bcrypt
from flask_api_tutorial.util.datetime_util import (

Then, add the encode_access_token method to

def encode_access_token(self):
    now =
    token_age_h = current_app.config.get("TOKEN_EXPIRE_HOURS")
    token_age_m = current_app.config.get("TOKEN_EXPIRE_MINUTES")
    expire = now + timedelta(hours=token_age_h, minutes=token_age_m)
    if current_app.config["TESTING"]:
        expire = now + timedelta(seconds=5)
    payload = dict(exp=expire, iat=now, sub=self.public_id, admin=self.admin)
    key = current_app.config.get("SECRET_KEY")
    return jwt.encode(payload, key, algorithm="HS256")

Let’s breakdown how this method generates the access token:

  • Lines 57-58: Using the curent_app proxy object, we retrieve the config settings TOKEN_EXPIRE_HOURS and TOKEN_EXPIRE_MINUTES. Remember, we defined different values for these settings for each environment (development, testing, production).

  • Line 59: We calculate the time when the token will expire based on the config settings and the current time.

  • Lines 60-61: All tokens generated with the testing config settings will expire after five seconds, allowing us to write and execute test cases where the tokens actually expire so we can verify the expected behavior.

  • Line 62: The payload object is where data about the token and the user is stored. The payload contains a set of key/value pairs known as "claims" (refer to Part 1 for more info on claims). Our token will contain the following registered claims:

    • exp: Date/time when the token will expire
    • iat: Date/time when the token was generated
    • sub: The subject of the token (i.e., the user that the token was generated for)

    Our token also contains one private claim:

    • admin: True/False value indicating whether the User has administrator access.
  • Line 63: In order to calculate the token's signature, we must retrieve the SECRET_KEY config setting. We will use this same value to decode the token and ensure that the contents have not been modified.

  • Line 64: The jwt.encode() function accepts three arguments. The first two of which we have just described: the payload and the secret key. The third argument is the signing algorithm. Most applications use the HS256 algorithm, which is short for HMAC-SHA256. The signing algorithm is what protects the payload of the JWT against tampering.

Global Test Fixtures:

In order to test the encode_access_token method, we will need a User object (which requires a database connection, which requires a Flask application instance, etc). In the unittest framework, the correct way to do this would involve creating a base test class with a setup method that creates the application instance and initializes the database. We would then create classes that inherit from the base test class, making the setup method available without duplicating the same code in each test class.

There’s nothing wrong with this approach, but it’s not (IMO) the best or the simplest solution. With pytest, we can eliminate all of the boilerplate code required for class inheritance – we can even eliminate classes entirely. How? With fixtures, of course!

Fixtures are functions that construct any type of object needed by a test. We can utilize them by declaring our test functions with a parameter whose name is the same as a fixture. When the name of a parameter and the name of a fixture coincide, pytest will execute the fixture function and pass the result to the test function.

First, create a file named in the tests folder and add the content below:

"""Shared functions and constants for unit tests."""

EMAIL = ""
PASSWORD = "test1234"

It may seem silly to create a file for just these two string values, but as we develop more test cases you will see why I chose to do so.

Next, create a new file in the tests folder and add the content below:

"""Global pytest fixtures."""
import pytest

from flask_api_tutorial import create_app
from flask_api_tutorial import db as database
from flask_api_tutorial.models.user import User
from tests.util import EMAIL, PASSWORD

def app():
    app = create_app("testing")
    return app

def db(app, client, request):

    def fin():

    return database

def user(db):
    user = User(email=EMAIL, password=PASSWORD)
    return user is a special filename that pytest automatically looks for and loads test fixtures from, making the fixtures available to all functions in the same folder (and sub-folders) where is located. You do not need to add an import statement to any test function in order to use the app or db fixtures we have defined.

Also, the app fixture is a special case. The pytest-flask extension looks for the app fixture and automatically creates the client fixture which returns an instance of the Flask test client that we will use to test API calls. You can read more about pytest-flask in the official docs.

Here a few more things to note about the fixtures we defined in

  • Line 5: The db object imported from the app module (which is the Flask-SQLAlchemy extension object) is renamed to database since we will use the name db for the test fixture that injects the database object into our test functions.

  • Line 17: The db fixture is using the client fixture from pytest-flask. The request parameter is another special pytest feature that can be used as a parameter in any fixture function. The request object gives access to the test context where the fixture was requested.

    Do not confuse the pytest request object and the global Flask request object. The former is used by a fixture to perform any teardown/destruct process on the test object created by the fixture. The latter represents an HTTP request received by the Flask application and contains the HTML body, headers, etc. sent by the client.

  • Line 18-20: This is my preferred way to teardown/create the database used for testing. You may notice that I do not remove the database after each test run as is common practice, rather I drop all tables before beginning a new test case. This allows me to inspect the database after a failing test run since the data is still present.

  • Line 22-25: The fin function is registered with the addFinalizer method of the pytest request object. The fin function will execute after the test function concludes and in this case removes the database session. You will see this pattern repeated in all fixtures where some sort of teardown process is needed to free resources allocated by the fixture function.

  • Line 30: As demonstrated here, fixtures can incorporate other fixtures. The user fixture relies on the db fixture which relies on the client (i.e., app) fixture. It's fixtures all the way down!

    This fixture creates a new, regular (non-admin) User instance and commits the instance to the database. The User object is returned to the test function.

Unit Test: test_encode_access_token

We are finally ready to write test code that verifies the encode_access_token method. Create a new file in the tests folder named and add the following content (ensure that and are in the same folder):

"""Unit tests for User model class."""

def test_encode_access_token(user):
    access_token = user.encode_access_token()
    assert isinstance(access_token, bytes)

Run the tox command and verify that all tests pass:

(flask-api-tutorial) flask-api-tutorial $ tox
GLOB sdist-make: /Users/aaronluna/Projects/flask-api-tutorial/
py37 create: /Users/aaronluna/Projects/flask-api-tutorial/.tox/py37
py37 installdeps: black, flake8, pydocstyle, pytest, pytest-black, pytest-clarity, pytest-dotenv, pytest-flake8, pytest-flask
py37 inst: /Users/aaronluna/Projects/flask-api-tutorial/.tox/.tmp/package/1/
py37 installed: alembic==1.4.0,aniso8601==8.0.0,appdirs==1.4.3,attrs==19.3.0,bcrypt==3.1.7,black==19.10b0,certifi==2019.11.28,cffi==1.14.0,chardet==3.0.4,Click==7.0,entrypoints==0.3,flake8==3.7.9,Flask==1.1.1,flask-api-tutorial==0.1,Flask-Bcrypt==0.7.1,Flask-Cors==3.0.8,Flask-Migrate==2.5.2,flask-restx==0.1.1,Flask-SQLAlchemy==2.4.1,idna==2.9,importlib-metadata==1.5.0,itsdangerous==1.1.0,Jinja2==2.11.1,jsonschema==3.2.0,Mako==1.1.1,MarkupSafe==1.1.1,mccabe==0.6.1,more-itertools==8.2.0,packaging==20.1,pathspec==0.7.0,pluggy==0.13.1,py==1.8.1,pycodestyle==2.5.0,pycparser==2.19,pydocstyle==5.0.2,pyflakes==2.1.1,PyJWT==1.7.1,pyparsing==2.4.6,pyrsistent==0.15.7,pytest==5.3.5,pytest-black==0.3.8,pytest-clarity==0.3.0a0,pytest-dotenv==0.4.0,pytest-flake8==1.0.4,pytest-flask==0.15.1,python-dateutil==2.8.1,python-dotenv==0.11.0,python-editor==1.0.4,pytz==2019.3,regex==2020.2.20,requests==2.23.0,six==1.14.0,snowballstemmer==2.0.0,SQLAlchemy==1.3.13,termcolor==1.1.0,toml==0.10.0,typed-ast==1.4.1,urllib3==1.25.8,wcwidth==0.1.8,Werkzeug==0.16.1,zipp==3.0.0
py37 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='1533942126'
py37 run-test: commands[0] | pytest
================================================= test session starts ==================================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.7.6, pytest-5.3.5, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/aaronluna/Projects/flask-api-tutorial/.tox/py37/bin/python
cachedir: .tox/py37/.pytest_cache
rootdir: /Users/aaronluna/Projects/flask-api-tutorial, inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: clarity-0.3.0a0, black-0.3.8, dotenv-0.4.0, flask-0.15.1, flake8-1.0.4
collected 38 items PASSED                                                                                            [  2%] PASSED                                                                                             [  5%] PASSED                                                                                          [  7%] PASSED                                                                                           [ 10%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/ PASSED                                                                [ 13%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/ PASSED                                                                 [ 15%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/ PASSED                                                                  [ 18%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/ PASSED                                                                   [ 21%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/api/ PASSED                                                            [ 23%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/api/ PASSED                                                             [ 26%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/api/auth/ PASSED                                                       [ 28%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/api/auth/ PASSED                                                        [ 31%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/api/widgets/ PASSED                                                    [ 34%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/api/widgets/ PASSED                                                     [ 36%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/models/ PASSED                                                         [ 39%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/models/ PASSED                                                          [ 42%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/models/ PASSED                                                             [ 44%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/models/ PASSED                                                              [ 47%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/util/ PASSED                                                           [ 50%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/util/ PASSED                                                            [ 52%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/util/ PASSED                                                      [ 55%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/util/ PASSED                                                       [ 57%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/util/ PASSED                                                             [ 60%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/util/ PASSED                                                              [ 63%]
tests/ PASSED                                                                                 [ 65%]
tests/ PASSED                                                                                  [ 68%]
tests/ PASSED                                                                                 [ 71%]
tests/ PASSED                                                                                  [ 73%]
tests/ PASSED                                                                              [ 76%]
tests/ PASSED                                                                               [ 78%]
tests/ PASSED                                                             [ 81%]
tests/ PASSED                                                                 [ 84%]
tests/ PASSED                                                              [ 86%]
tests/ PASSED                                                                                [ 89%]
tests/ PASSED                                                                                 [ 92%]
tests/ PASSED                                                              [ 94%]
tests/ PASSED                                                                                     [ 97%]
tests/ PASSED                                                                                      [100%]

================================================== 38 passed in 6.33s ==================================================
_______________________________________________________ summary ________________________________________________________
  py37: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

decode_access_token Function

Let’s move on to the obvious next step in our authorization workflow: decoding tokens. We need to update the import statements in to include the Result class (Line 16 below):

"""Class definition for User model."""
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from uuid import uuid4

import jwt
from flask import current_app
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property

from flask_api_tutorial import db, bcrypt
from flask_api_tutorial.util.datetime_util import (
from flask_api_tutorial.util.result import Result

Next, add the decode_access_token method to the file:

def decode_access_token(access_token):
    if isinstance(access_token, bytes):
        access_token = access_token.decode("ascii")
    if access_token.startswith("Bearer "):
        split = access_token.split("Bearer")
        access_token = split[1].strip()
        key = current_app.config.get("SECRET_KEY")
        payload = jwt.decode(access_token, key, algorithms=["HS256"])
    except jwt.ExpiredSignatureError:
        error = "Access token expired. Please log in again."
        return Result.Fail(error)
    except jwt.InvalidTokenError:
        error = "Invalid token. Please log in again."
        return Result.Fail(error)

    user_dict = dict(
    return Result.Ok(user_dict)

There are several important things to note about this method:

  • Line 67: The @staticmethod decorator indicates that this method is not bound to either a User instance or to the User class. This means that there is no practical difference between having the decode_access_token method defined inside the User class as a static method and having it defined as a regular function inside a module.

    The only reason to define a method as static is to group related behaviors under a shared namespace. It is simply my opinion that since the encode_access_token method must be bound to a User instance, it is both logical and more aesthetically pleasing to define decode_access_token as a member of the User class.

  • Lines 69-70: Depending on how the access_token was passed to the decode_access_token function, it could either be a byte-array or a string. Before proceeding, we convert access_token to a string if necessary.

  • Lines 71-73: We could add this validation step later, since it will be needed when we define our API routes and incorporate Flask-RESTx. I'm adding it now and telling you: Sometimes, the Authorization field of a request header will be prefixed with "Bearer" and sometimes it won't. We need to handle both situations when decoding access tokens.

  • Line 75: Since the token signature was calculated with the SECRET_KEY, we must use the same value to decode the token.
  • Line 76: The jwt.decode function takes three arguments: the access token, the secret key, and a list of signature algorithms which the application accepts. If the access token is valid, has not been tampered with and has not expired, then the return value of the jwt.decode function (payload) is the dictionary containing the create time and expire time of the token, the user's public ID and a bool indicating if the user has administrator access.

  • Line 77-79: This code will only execute if the token is expired. Note that we do not have to perform any of the work to verify whether the token is expired or not, that is handled by the jwt.decode function. If the token is expired, a jwt.ExpiredSignatureError is raised. Since this is an expected failure, we catch it and create a Result object with an error message describing the failure and return the Result.

  • Line 80-82: This code will only execute if the signature validation process fails. This would occur if the token was tampered or modified in any way, and we will create unit tests to verify this works as expected. Again, we do not have to perform any of the work to determine if the token has been tampered with, that process is handled by the jwt.decode function. If the signature is invalid, a jwt.InvalidTokenError is raised. Since this is an expected failure, we catch it and create a Result object with an error message describing the failure and return the Result.

  • Line 84-90: This code will only execute if the token passed all validation criteria: token format is valid, signature is valid (i.e., token has not been modified/tampered) and token is not expired. In that case, we construct a dict object containing the validated access_token, the timestamp when the token expires, the user's public_id and administrator flag from the payload object. We return the dict within a Result object indicating the operation was successful.

Unit Tests: Decode Access Token

We want to verify the three possible results of the decode_access_token method: token is valid, token is expired and token is invalid. Before we start writing any tests, place the import statements below at the top of

"""Unit tests for User model class."""
import json
import time
from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode, urlsafe_b64decode

from flask_api_tutorial.models.user import User

The first test will verify the expected behavior for a valid access token. Add the test_decode_access_token_success method to

def test_decode_access_token_success(user):
    access_token = user.encode_access_token()
    result = User.decode_access_token(access_token)
    assert result.success
    user_dict = result.value
    assert user.public_id == user_dict["public_id"]
    assert user.admin == user_dict["admin"]

Please note the following verifications we are performing in this method:

  • Line 17: The decode_access_token method returns a Result object, so we first check that result.success is True. If this is the case, we know that access_token is valid and was successfully decoded.

  • Line 18: Since access_token is valid, we know that result.value contains the user_dict object.

  • Lines 19-20: The public_id and admin values in user_dict should match the user that created the access_token.

Next, let’s create a test that verifies what happens when we attempt to decode an expired access token. Add the test_decode_access_token_expired method to

def test_decode_access_token_expired(user):
    access_token = user.encode_access_token()
    result = User.decode_access_token(access_token)
    assert not result.success
    assert result.error == "Access token expired. Please log in again."

Let’s go through this test and explain how we achieved the desired result:

  • Line 25: As stated multiple times, when the TestConfig settings are in use, authorization tokens will expire after five seconds. Immediately after generating access_token, we call time.sleep(6) which waits for six seconds before attempting to decode the access token.

  • Line 27: Since we expect decode_access_token to return a Result object indicating access_token could not be decoded, we expect the value of result.success to be False.

  • Line 28: Since access_token was not decoded successfully, we verify that result.error indicates the reason for the failure is because the token is expired.

The last test is by far the most interesting of the three. It is trivially easy to modify part of a JWT and send it in place of the token that was generated by the server. For example, what if a user changed the admin claim in their token from False to True? Would they be able to access resources that require administrator access, even though they have not been granted the required access? Let’s try it out!

Add the test_decode_access_token_invalid method to

def test_decode_access_token_invalid(user):
    access_token = user.encode_access_token()
    split = access_token.split(b".")
    payload_base64 = split[1]
    pad_len = 4 - (len(payload_base64) % 4)
    payload_base64 += pad_len * b"="
    payload_str = urlsafe_b64decode(payload_base64)
    payload = json.loads(payload_str)
    assert not payload["admin"]
    payload["admin"] = True
    payload_mod = json.dumps(payload)
    payload_mod_base64 = urlsafe_b64encode(payload_mod.encode())
    split[1] = payload_mod_base64.strip(b"=")
    access_token_mod = b".".join(split)
    assert not access_token == access_token_mod
    result = User.decode_access_token(access_token_mod)
    assert not result.success
    assert result.error == "Invalid token. Please log in again."

Rather than explain this test case line-by-line as done previously, I think it’s easier to execute the test in the flask shell interpreter and print out the value of several important variables:

(flask-api-tutorial) flask-api-tutorial $ flask shell
Python 3.7.6 (default, Jan 19 2020, 06:08:58)
[Clang 11.0.0 (clang-1100.0.33.8)] on darwin
App: flask-api-tutorial [development]
Instance: /Users/aaronluna/Projects/flask_api_tutorial
>>> import json
>>> from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode, urlsafe_b64decode
>>> from flask_api_tutorial import db
>>> from flask_api_tutorial.models.user import User
>>> USER_EMAIL = ""
>>> USER_PASSWORD = "test1234"
>>> user = User(email=USER_EMAIL, password=USER_PASSWORD)
>>> db.session.add(user)
>>> db.session.commit()
>>> access_token = user.encode_access_token()
>>> split = access_token.split(b'.')
>>> print(f'access_token (original):\n  header: {split[0]}\n  payload: {split[1]}\n  signature: {split[2]}')
access_token (original):
  header: b'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9'
  payload: b'eyJleHAiOjE1NTc5NDA3MDAsImlhdCI6MTU1NzkzOTc5NSwic3ViIjoiMzhjMDMwYTAtNTdhNC00NmRjLWFjOWYtZTcwZDA0OWUzMDE2IiwiYWRtaW4iOmZhbHNlfQ'
  signature: b'EvNgTtgbgxpEmJedAOwLuxf6YSq09N2GCRmQOxF2REs'

The highlighted value above is the base64-encoded payload from the original access token that was generated by the server. Next, we will decode the payload to reveal the values for the user claims.

>>> payload_base64 = split[1]
>>> pad_len = 4 - (len(payload_base64) % 4)
>>> payload_base64 += pad_len * b'='
>>> payload_str = urlsafe_b64decode(payload_base64)
>>> payload = json.loads(payload_str)
>>> print(f'payload (original):\n {json.dumps(payload, indent=2)}')
payload (original):
  "exp": 1557940700,
  "iat": 1557939795,
  "sub": "38c030a0-57a4-46dc-ac9f-e70d049e3016",
  "admin": false

Please note that anybody can decode the access token’s payload with the urlsafe_b64decode function as shown above. This is why you must never store sensitive user data (especially passwords) in a JWT.

The values stored in this token are common to most applications: the time when the token was created, the time when the token expires, a value used to identify the user, and a flag indicating the role/access level of the user.

Since anybody can edit the value of the payload before sending it back to the server, we want to ensure that the token is rejected if it has been modified. It is especially important to ensure that if the “admin” value is flipped to “True”, the user is not given access to protected resources.

>>> payload['admin'] = True
>>> print(f'payload (modified):\n {json.dumps(payload, indent=2)}')
payload (modified):
  "exp": 1557940700,
  "iat": 1557939795,
  "sub": "38c030a0-57a4-46dc-ac9f-e70d049e3016",
  "admin": true

We have changed the “admin” value to True and printed the modified payload value to show that the value is now flipped.

>>> payload_mod = json.dumps(payload)
>>> payload_mod_base64 = urlsafe_b64encode(payload_mod.encode())
>>> split[1] = payload_mod_base64.strip(b'=')
>>> print(f'access_token (modified):\n  header: {split[0]}\n  payload: {split[1]}\n  signature: {split[2]}')
access_token (modified):
  header: b'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9'
  signature: b'EvNgTtgbgxpEmJedAOwLuxf6YSq09N2GCRmQOxF2REs'

We use the urlsafe_b64encode function to encode the modified payload and then we replace the original encoded payload with this new value. Note that the header and signature portions are the same as the original access token that was generated by the server.

>>> access_token_mod = b'.'.join(split)
>>> result = User.decode_access_token(access_token_mod)
>>> result.success
>>> result.error
'Invalid token. Please log in again.'
>>> exit()

As expected, the modified access token is not decoded successfully and the error message indicates that the token is invalid, which is expected if the contents of the token have been modified in any way. Therefore, our hypothetical malicious user would not be able to give himself admin access by modifying the JWT. Crisis averted!

Let’s run tox and make sure that all test cases pass:

(flask-api-tutorial) flask-api-tutorial $ tox
GLOB sdist-make: /Users/aaronluna/Projects/flask-api-tutorial/
py37 create: /Users/aaronluna/Projects/flask-api-tutorial/.tox/py37
py37 installdeps: black, flake8, pydocstyle, pytest, pytest-black, pytest-clarity, pytest-dotenv, pytest-flake8, pytest-flask
py37 inst: /Users/aaronluna/Projects/flask-api-tutorial/.tox/.tmp/package/1/
py37 installed: alembic==1.4.0,aniso8601==8.0.0,appdirs==1.4.3,attrs==19.3.0,bcrypt==3.1.7,black==19.10b0,certifi==2019.11.28,cffi==1.14.0,chardet==3.0.4,Click==7.0,entrypoints==0.3,flake8==3.7.9,Flask==1.1.1,flask-api-tutorial==0.1,Flask-Bcrypt==0.7.1,Flask-Cors==3.0.8,Flask-Migrate==2.5.2,flask-restx==0.1.1,Flask-SQLAlchemy==2.4.1,idna==2.9,importlib-metadata==1.5.0,itsdangerous==1.1.0,Jinja2==2.11.1,jsonschema==3.2.0,Mako==1.1.1,MarkupSafe==1.1.1,mccabe==0.6.1,more-itertools==8.2.0,packaging==20.1,pathspec==0.7.0,pluggy==0.13.1,py==1.8.1,pycodestyle==2.5.0,pycparser==2.19,pydocstyle==5.0.2,pyflakes==2.1.1,PyJWT==1.7.1,pyparsing==2.4.6,pyrsistent==0.15.7,pytest==5.3.5,pytest-black==0.3.8,pytest-clarity==0.3.0a0,pytest-dotenv==0.4.0,pytest-flake8==1.0.4,pytest-flask==0.15.1,python-dateutil==2.8.1,python-dotenv==0.11.0,python-editor==1.0.4,pytz==2019.3,regex==2020.2.20,requests==2.23.0,six==1.14.0,snowballstemmer==2.0.0,SQLAlchemy==1.3.13,termcolor==1.1.0,toml==0.10.0,typed-ast==1.4.1,urllib3==1.25.8,wcwidth==0.1.8,Werkzeug==0.16.1,zipp==3.0.0
py37 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='2592492654'
py37 run-test: commands[0] | pytest
================================================= test session starts ==================================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.7.6, pytest-5.3.5, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/aaronluna/Projects/flask-api-tutorial/.tox/py37/bin/python
cachedir: .tox/py37/.pytest_cache
rootdir: /Users/aaronluna/Projects/flask-api-tutorial, inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: clarity-0.3.0a0, black-0.3.8, dotenv-0.4.0, flask-0.15.1, flake8-1.0.4
collected 41 items PASSED                                                                                            [  2%] PASSED                                                                                             [  4%] PASSED                                                                                          [  7%] PASSED                                                                                           [  9%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/ PASSED                                                                [ 12%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/ PASSED                                                                 [ 14%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/ PASSED                                                                  [ 17%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/ PASSED                                                                   [ 19%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/api/ PASSED                                                            [ 21%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/api/ PASSED                                                             [ 24%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/api/auth/ PASSED                                                       [ 26%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/api/auth/ PASSED                                                        [ 29%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/api/widgets/ PASSED                                                    [ 31%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/api/widgets/ PASSED                                                     [ 34%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/models/ PASSED                                                         [ 36%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/models/ PASSED                                                          [ 39%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/models/ PASSED                                                             [ 41%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/models/ PASSED                                                              [ 43%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/util/ PASSED                                                           [ 46%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/util/ PASSED                                                            [ 48%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/util/ PASSED                                                      [ 51%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/util/ PASSED                                                       [ 53%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/util/ PASSED                                                             [ 56%]
src/flask_api_tutorial/util/ PASSED                                                              [ 58%]
tests/ PASSED                                                                                 [ 60%]
tests/ PASSED                                                                                  [ 63%]
tests/ PASSED                                                                                 [ 65%]
tests/ PASSED                                                                                  [ 68%]
tests/ PASSED                                                                              [ 70%]
tests/ PASSED                                                                               [ 73%]
tests/ PASSED                                                             [ 75%]
tests/ PASSED                                                                 [ 78%]
tests/ PASSED                                                              [ 80%]
tests/ PASSED                                                                                [ 82%]
tests/ PASSED                                                                                 [ 85%]
tests/ PASSED                                                              [ 87%]
tests/ PASSED                                                      [ 90%]
tests/ PASSED                                                      [ 92%]
tests/ PASSED                                                      [ 95%]
tests/ PASSED                                                                                     [ 97%]
tests/ PASSED                                                                                      [100%]

================================================= 41 passed in 12.27s ==================================================
_______________________________________________________ summary ________________________________________________________
  py37: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)


I promise that the pace will pick up, since we have again made very little progress on the API requirements. I believe it’s fair to say that one item is completely implemented: JWT contains the following claims: time the token was issued, time the token expires, a value that identifies the user, and a flag that indicates if the user has administrator access. I think we can also claim partial credit on two items: Requests must be rejected if JWT has been modified and Requests must be rejected if JWT is expired.

User Management/JWT Authentication

New users can register by providing an email address and password

Existing users can obtain a JWT by providing their email address and password

JWT contains the following claims: time the token was issued, time the token expires, a value that identifies the user, and a flag that indicates if the user has administrator access

JWT is sent in access_token field of HTTP response after successful authentication with email/password

JWTs must expire after 1 hour (in production)

JWT is sent by client in Authorization field of request header

Requests must be rejected if JWT has been modified

Requests must be rejected if JWT is expired

If user logs out, their JWT is immediately invalid/expired

If JWT is expired, user must re-authenticate with email/password to obtain a new JWT

API Resource: Widget List

All users can retrieve a list of all widgets

All users can retrieve individual widgets by name

Users with administrator access can add new widgets to the database

Users with administrator access can edit existing widgets

Users with administrator access can delete widgets from the database

The widget model contains a "name" attribute which must be a string value containing only lowercase-letters, numbers and the "-" (hyphen character) or "_" (underscore character).

The widget model contains a "deadline" attribute which must be a datetime value where the date component is equal to or greater than the current date. The comparison does not consider the value of the time component when this comparison is performed.

URL and datetime values must be validated before a new widget is added to the database (and when an existing widget is updated).

The widget model contains a "name" field which must be a string value containing only lowercase-letters, numbers and the "-" (hyphen character) or "_" (underscore character).

Widget name must be validated before a new widget is added to the database (and when an existing widget is updated).

If input validation fails either when adding a new widget or editing an existing widget, the API response must include error messages indicating the name(s) of the fields that failed validation.

As always, leave your feedback and questions in the comments!